Monday, October 27, 2008

project proposal

Anyone who knows me will be able to tell you that I’m way into music. Music has been a hugely important part of my life, from the kinds that surrounded me as a little kid, to all the different kinds that I listened to through various stages of my life. So, I’ve done tons of listening to music, but aside from my years in choir, making my own isn’t something I’ve done much at all of. Recording is something I’ve always imagined myself doing at some point, though, so that’s what my senior project will be. I’m going to pick six songs, all from different decades, rearrange them to put my own spin on them, and record them. Having never done any of my own musical writing or arranging, this will be challenging for me simply because I’ve never done it before, but it seems like a good place to start. I don’t think I’ll have much of a problem getting musicians if I need them, I’ve got plenty of connections inside and outside of school. The hardest part for me regarding that will, I think, asking for help from and dealing with people I don’t know well if I need to. At this point, another challenge I see is the recording part. I’m not yet sure how exactly I’m going to do it. I know that I have the option of borrowing a four track (and other equipment) from my dear brother, and I could try to master something like garage band. The final result of my project will be a set of song covers, on a CD that can be listened to through headphones at the student showcase, and its progress can be seen in the form of the recordings taking shape over the year. If I can pull this off without doing any rush jobs, overworking anything, keeping the music devoid of sheer corniness, and adding a considerable amount of myself to it, I think I will be quite satisfied with myself.

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